Oh, don’t yeah-yeah and roll your eyes on me! 

Me, myself and I…
My past, present and future. Positive or negative. All spectrum and domains of life.
Gratitude is everywhere.
Is it?

You, and me…
Did I ever tell you how grateful I am about all you did for me?
When was the last time I told you how much I appreciate your words, your laughs, your tears, your care?
The act of giving, with grace, from the place of abundance.
Gratitude is everywhere.
Is it?

Our community, society, humanity. All of us.
How it tries and struggles to give. Every day.
Earth, universe.
How it gives, without any expectations of taking anything from us. All the time.
Presence of something we humans cannot comprehend or measure, let alone receiving its gift. 
Gratitude is everywhere. 
Is it?

Please pause and listen. 
Can you hear? 
There is singing. 
Everything dances in this universe. 
Gratitude is everywhere. 
Or, at least, the opportunity is.
Are we ready to receive its gift?

We sing and we dance. 
Let’s rejoice and celebrate, in the name of gratitude.
We act, give and serve, from our hearts, our care, our gratitude – from the place of abundance.



Written by Sanae Parra
In gratitude to Montserrat Andreys, for the gift of grace